Why do I need to hire an Interior Designer?
Well, this is one question that pops-up in everyone's mind after they are done with closing the deal on their dream home. In this blog, I will try to give you a perspective of both hiring an interior designer and also when you haven't. I am sure that for everyone at some point this thought of " why should I hire an interior designer, I could do it all myself" would have crossed their mind - and if you ask me, this is a very valid point and when executed cautiously can save you a considerable amount if you are on a shoe string budget. But, before you go ahead with your decision - you should try to answer the below questions which can significantly impact the output vis- à -vis budget and aesthetics. First and foremost - TIME - question yourself if you can spare considerable amount of time on your interiors project while you work at your regular office? Would you be able to take time off (often during weekdays too) to scout for the best as per your budge...