
Check list - HOTO from builder and later from interiors team

  Since you’ve booked your property after your due diligence w.r.t property, documentation etc, you are eagerly waiting for taking possession of it. When the time has finally come after all the relevant paper work has been completed with the builder, you would get keys to your property. But before taking the handover from the builder, it is imperative that you do certain checks to make sure that you are getting what you’ve been promised. Below are a few items which I’ve tried to put together so that they can form a check-list for individual flat’s/villa’s handover. Wall undulations – This is the most generic flaw that you’ll find in masonry, however with varying degrees as a more professional and reputed builder will take care to minimize it and you will probably see a larger degree of deviation in a regular builder/civil contractor construction. In either case – it is best to check and identify the issue at the very beginning if possible, as there will not be much that you can ...

Guide to plan your home's ceiling and lighting

Nowadays we rarely see a home without false ceiling done. It has become a norm to go for false ceiling along with LED panel lights/cove lights which will enhance the look of a home by many folds. However, this same ceiling and lighting can make or break the look of a home when it's designed by not considering the aesthetics and functionality. In this blog, I will touch upon these two important aspects of a home by giving some idea on what to consider before you go ahead. FALSE CEILING The false ceiling is predominantly made of two types of materials, one is POP (Plaster of Paris) and the other one being gypsum boards. Of these two types, POP is cheaper by about 50% when compared with gypsum board and for people on a budget, should be an option for consideration. The advantages of a POP ceiling just end there and there are quite a few disadvantages which outweigh the cost advantage. This is of inferior quality when compared to gypsum boards and will not last long ...

Why do I need to hire an Interior Designer?

Well, this is one question that pops-up in everyone's mind after they are done with closing the deal on their dream home. In this blog, I will try to give you a perspective of both hiring an interior designer and also when you haven't. I am sure that for everyone at some point this thought of " why should I hire an interior designer, I could do it all myself" would have crossed their mind - and if you ask me, this is a very valid point and when executed cautiously can save you a considerable amount if you are on a shoe string budget. But, before you go ahead with your decision - you should try to answer the below questions which can significantly impact the output vis- à -vis budget and aesthetics. First and foremost - TIME - question yourself if you can spare considerable amount of time on your interiors project while you work at your regular office? Would you be able to take time off (often during weekdays too) to scout for the best as per your budge...